Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Best Drivers In The World Are Malaysians

Everybody goes through a phase where you have to drag yourselves out of bed in the morning to go face the world for the day, and I can safely say everybody just finds it difficult sometimes to wake up in the morning to smell the roses. This morning is really one of those days for me where it is really damn difficult to wake up and get out of the comfort of my air-conditioned bedroom to go to work and face the difficulties and boredom of my mundane daily routine...SHIT happens sometimes but for some people most times, in fact ALL THE TIME....

As I drive myself to work using the infamous MRR2 going through the traffic jam, which already spoils my day before anything starts, to find stupidity on our local roads...this bloke, I tell you, has gotta be the winner for the dumbest driver award in the country. Ever encountered drivers with big cars with the mentality that everyone must..MUST give way to them because they drive 4x4's or Benz or even their BMW's which makes them king of the roads...My Ass!! king of the roads!!!

I was driving on my way to work leisurely somewhat a little irritated by the traffic jam as usual but bearable, to find this one studip Ford Ranger 4x4 truck to cut in my way. I honk the buffoon and to my surprise without any consideration the fool had the chic to honk back as though it is my fault that he is cutting in my line...and...and (this is where the best part comes) doesn't give any way for me...and to make things worst...there is another driver...well let's just say sports rims, Mufflers and all but driving at 30km/hr on a fast lane as if there is no other cars on the road or the road belongs to his grandpapa....I mean how stupid can that get??

Never one day lately I can find, a day where everything just goes one to irritate you on the road, no traffic jams to agitate your somewhat half awake state of mind...but i suppose all this is, part and parcel of a beautiful life and a great country we live in.. Malaysia Boleh!!! SOME BOLEH GO TO HELL!!!


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