Perks Of A Beach Boy
Currently Listening to
On And On
by Jack Johnson
Ahh...another of Jack Johnson's creative and somewhat easy listening surfer music. If anytime you feel the need to imagine yourself at the beach. This guy is of great help. Salutes to Jack Johnson.
I had a good friend hanging out with me at the office a few days ago..well more of a client during working hours...anyways...Me as the PR guy in the office was entertaining him (no..not giving him a circus act, juggling balls and all) and we were somehow talking bout the sun and the sea. Which lead him to telling me about his trip to Perhentian Island and chatting up with beach bums over there. Many interesting stories were told by them about them travelling around the world, the hot pretty ladies they meet and their monsoon experiences.
Coming to think of it, I was thinking how could a beach bum in an exotic island could afford to travel all over the world. Working in a place where half the year it's raining ballocks with the wind whistling strong and the other half it's all hot and sunny. It turns out that these guys made their money from tourists visiting their island who are ardent divers and holiday makers. Still it was something which I yet to swallow and digest. It was then brought to my knowledge that these guys actually have no commitments unlike our stressful city lifestyle. Theirs is a life where everything moves slow at their own pace, no commitments (i.e : bills, family etc) they do not even have to own a car therefore there has never been a traffic jam.
After talking a little bit more, I thought to myself.. wouldn't it be really cool if city people like me could have a life like theirs and still earn the many buckaroos, enjoy life and travel all over the world. A rough idea of how much they can earn? Well let's just say they can afford to come to the city and buy 2 bottles of whiskey every night for 3 to 4 months. That's how much they can earn in 6 months of sun shinny days. I envy..
Some of us may think they will never have a future in the crazy world we always label as the working world. In actual fact, they are the more successful people comparing to you and me. Looking at it, they have a good strong loving family and community. They do not have commitments like utilities or credit cards. They have a certain amount of acres of land inherited which they don't even have to fork out a single cent and they earn a substancial ammount of bling blings for them to live luxuriously. Talk about taking life easy when we reach retirement. These blokes have been taking it easy all their lives.
So I was suggesting with my good friend, "Why don't we just leave our jobs bring our girlfriends and set up a business together there incorporating photography with design?" The idea is there, the money is waiting for us and it will last us 3 lifetimes. The unfortunate thing are we gonna hoax the locals to sell us a small piece of land to make our millions. Many more discouraging questions keeps popping up during the conversation which lead us to let go our reality..not a dream...reality of making millions of bling blings.. I suppose city people will forever be city people. Enlightenings anyone?
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