Monday, April 02, 2007

Just another week

Just when I thought I do not need to work on a Saturday, out of the sudden last minute work has to pop up in front my door step and spoil my weekend. Nevermind, that did not stop me from playing some card games with friends all night long and when I say all night long, literally, all night long. Then straight off to work. Thank God, it did not take too long. It was fun to be controlling some 25 odd people, telling them to do this and do that. To be have people waiting for me to say "Go" can be quite fun. Anyway, what is a good shoot when there is no fun in it.

The weekend was quiet. Was feeling too lazy to practically do anything ( as usual ). Met up with some friends for late late lunch and the usual chit chatting catching up on each other. Thought I could do some exercise, but unfortunately there wasn't any football match so it was just lazing around the house.

Really need to beautify the house. I find it so bare at the moment. Heck I don't even have curtains for my sliding door. Am thinking of getting lots of floor lamps to make the whole place a little dim. With the down lights on the ceiling is just too bright. Have to do some planning to get the stuff. Next is to get a laptop and internet access and then a bicycle to keep my self in shape... Jeez too many things.

Slowly I am getting to do things I want to do without ever thinking of how others will react. For instance, I can go futsal anytime without having to worry whether I will get into an argument. Going out for a drink with some close friends is something I've been doing quite often nowadays. It was difficult to meet up with them before. I even have the opportunity to meet new people through some interesting board games which I must admit can be very very addictive. Well it's all in the name of fun. I can clean the house as and when I want to.

Well you can never have everything your way. it's either one or the other. The most is compromise, accept and live with it no matter how bad it is. So moving out and living alone has got it's good and not to forget it's bad. I am sure many will know how it feels like. Well I am giving another week or so to know the outcome of my life. Apart of me wants to care, but the other part does not. I hate having this 50-50 feelings. It makes life a bit more complicating doesn't it.

Well there is so many things happening at the same time. Now all I need is to take things one at a time, regain all that is loss of me. I do hope I do not take too long a time. Thank God I have family & friends. Shall be dedicating them on another post somewhere in the near future.


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