Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Hectic Week Without The Bosses

Currently Listening To
Jon McLaughlin

This is a start of a very very hectic week without the bosses around. They, are on their way for a so called holiday shoot in Manchester in which eventually is 45 minutes of ultimate stress, fast pace photography and a chance to meet a football celebrity. While we, the small kuchi-rats hold the fort. I'm not complaining about being left alone to hold the fort, but it always happens when a public holiday comes about. With the ammount of meetings coming up, quotation flooding every day, shoots at the very last minute with insane 'deadlines' and trying to deliver final product on time and not screw up the entire shabang, I sometimes amaze myself how on earth I can still be here sitting in front of my PC writting this. Really..many of us really don't know how on earth we can be in this position. In the middle of the entire screw-up industry is where we stand. Sad but true. Well I guess this fwe days is all but complains complains...One way for me to let off the steam.

I guess this post would be one of the shortest post I have ever written. All about letting off my steam.


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