Monday, March 22, 2010

What is new

I recently had 3 job offers and all of which requesting me to join them. I think I have come to a stage in my career where I am actually sought after and that I can demand. I always believed in working hard and making loads of sacrifices to get to where I am today. Though unfortunately there are some people who tells me that my job is the kind where everyone also can pick up and do. Well that is true but what they do not see is that how many can stick to this job long enough or make it their career.

The kind of work I do is very simple. All I do is make the necessary preparations for a shoot and make sure the end product goes out on time. It may sound easy, but at this time of economic instability, everyone has limittations in budget and yet requires things way beyond their means. We always strive to provide the best and to make sure everyone is happy. By doing that we have to go through a whole lot of shit, unnecessary stress and the amount of hours invested just to make things happen. I believe not many people can actually work under these kind of requirements all their lives.

A lot of people do not see far enough to know what returns will it reap after sacrificing so long. A lot of young working adults these days only want to be in the comfort zone. Plenty are inexperience and yet they have enough balls to demand an expected salary that is more than what they deserve. I remember starting my first job with a 3 figure salary. Now, after 10 yrs I can demand a comfortable figure to live with and still pamper myself with. I am not saying I am earning millions but to me as long as I can pay off my bills and debts and at the same time pamper myself, that is success to me.

I am gonna make my comeback soon after 1 and half years of absence in the main stream. I am gonna start with a reputable photography studio in April and from there I will prove some people wrong with the perception they have on me and my job. I am looking forward to work my butt off again and have this satisfaction of producing campaigns for big multi national names. Another reason is to also get my self busy enough to forget a certain occasion with the certain somebody as everytime I remind myself , I get very sad, disappointed and angry. So the more work I fill my mind with the less I will think about it.

Before I start with my new job, I am gonna head to a well deserve annual holiday. This time is not with 2 people, whom we made plans to go every year but with a few of my best and closest friends. Perhentian Island is our destination of relaxation, fun, laughter and a whole lot of drinking. 11 more days to go that is.

I am planning to get back to road biking and that is one of my wish list for the year 2010. Once i get the bike, I am planning to go for an everyday exercise regime. Swimming, cycling and futsal. At least one per day though Futsal is already set for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. The rest will have to play by ear. Another wishlist for 2010 is to change my 11 year old Proton Iswara. i have been eyeing the Honda Civic since late February and the plan is to get a 2 year old second hand Honda Civic unless some other interesting car pops up in front of me and interests me. Home improvement is also in my wishlist. I am looking to put plenty of photo frames on my empty wall which in that state for 2 and half years, get a bookshelf, 42 inch lcd tv and if I have extra cash, new sofas.

So there you go. Some of those things that has been happening to me. Will be writing more on the next post


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