Another Year Older

Currently Listening To
by Peter Pan
Today will be the day I celebrate my 28th birthday. To be frank, it feels like any other day. Somehow as we grow older, the joys of birthdays seems to fade. I always look forward to my birthday every year. The presents, the food, the friends and the off days I used to take. Now, it has become just like any other day. Then again I should be even more thankful, that I could live another year with my family, good health, stable monthly income, friends old and new who still remembers my birthday. Sometimes I suppose we have to give and take as we grow older on our birthdays. It's not about the presents nor the fancy food, I guess now it's more about the joys and the company that I have with Love-Of-My-Life, family and friends.
Though I only have one or 2 naughty wish. I wish I that I have a tree behind my house, unlimited growth of lots and lots of 100 Ringgit notes. I also wish all my wishlist would be real. Well since I am on the wishing mood, I also wish I could meet Thierry Henry and also stay with him for a week. Hmmm...I guess that is too much to wish for but heck..It's my wish.
I guess this year has been quite good to me. Even though I had a rough start, as it goes along, it gets better and better each day. I am happy at work, I am getting married soon and...and....this years FIFA World Cup Opening ceremony falls on the same day as my birthday. I mean how often does that happen to you.
It will be a month of late nights for me as I engross myself to the tele watching the games and the skills that each player produces. It could be a dangerous month for many of us men as there will be tendency to neglect everything else for a month of craving for this insane fever call football or soccer . Nevertheless, it is only once in every four years. I am sure everything else can just close an eye and ignore us men this whole month before reality kicks in again. Cheers to this month long event of non-stop footballing action.