A Great Relieve, Bad Karma
After 2 weeks of resting and agony from not playing football..i finally got back to playin on Monday night with the team I play regularly...slowly but surely i will get back to the form i used to be in....A while ago I had 2 injuries on both my ankles which resulted to too much pain...so I had to stop for a while..and man it's hard...hehehe..
My car broke down on Sunday night...sent it for repairs and it costs me RM600 plust to do up the damn car....now am really really broke...and for the past 2 days I was moving around with the 'old tank' ( which some of you might have beautiful memories with me in that vehicle which is my dad's van . After so long driving with the comfort of a car..driving the van now is like sailing on a yacht going through the rough sea...bouncing here and there sometimes makes me feel rather dizzy...but it still has lots of memories with me...:)am so glad that my car is back....hehehe
Hot Weekend
no...it's not something suggesive or wild that i did during the weekends....no wild parties, no sex orgies, no drinking sessions...just that the damn weather last weekend is just so damn hot...even my car engine heats up and now need to send the car to repair...DAMN!! it's gonna cost me a bomb reparing car...
Yesterday was the first day i played football after injuring myself 3 weeks ago...it felt so good to be playing again..though I'm still not fully fit....but you know sometimes when you love something so much and can't live without...you do all sorts or go all the way to get what you want...well that's me when it comes to football..the past 3 weeks is like prison to me..only get to watch but can't play...I am glad that is over...Now I can really understand how frustrated every pro football star feels when they are injured and can't play or left out on the bench to watch the team play....:)
Today will be first time playing futsal after a 2 week break from injury also...the boys will surely be glad to have me back...:)..Thanks be to the One above for keeping me from more heavy injuries...heheheheam glad its only a twisted ankle....It feels like hell...believe me it does feel like hell...though sometimes i kinda like to think hell can be a very beautiful place to be in...:)
The Best Drivers In The World Are Malaysians
Everybody goes through a phase where you have to drag yourselves out of bed in the morning to go face the world for the day, and I can safely say everybody just finds it difficult sometimes to wake up in the morning to smell the roses. This morning is really one of those days for me where it is really damn difficult to wake up and get out of the comfort of my air-conditioned bedroom to go to work and face the difficulties and boredom of my mundane daily routine...SHIT happens sometimes but for some people most times, in fact ALL THE TIME....
As I drive myself to work using the infamous MRR2 going through the traffic jam, which already spoils my day before anything starts, to find stupidity on our local roads...this bloke, I tell you, has gotta be the winner for the dumbest driver award in the country. Ever encountered drivers with big cars with the mentality that everyone must..MUST give way to them because they drive 4x4's or Benz or even their BMW's which makes them king of the roads...My Ass!! king of the roads!!!
I was driving on my way to work leisurely somewhat a little irritated by the traffic jam as usual but bearable, to find this one studip Ford Ranger 4x4 truck to cut in my way. I honk the buffoon and to my surprise without any consideration the fool had the chic to honk back as though it is my fault that he is cutting in my line...and...and (this is where the best part comes) doesn't give any way for me...and to make things worst...there is another driver...well let's just say sports rims, Mufflers and all but driving at 30km/hr on a fast lane as if there is no other cars on the road or the road belongs to his grandpapa....I mean how stupid can that get??
Never one day lately I can find, a day where everything just goes smooth...no one to irritate you on the road, no traffic jams to agitate your somewhat half awake state of mind...but i suppose all this is, part and parcel of a beautiful life and a great country we live in.. Malaysia Boleh!!! SOME BOLEH GO TO HELL!!!
Traffic Jam
The one thing i hate most which never fails to spoil my day is the traffic in this dumb city...no doubt Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful city to dwell in but....the rush hour traffic just pisses me off ....just think of it....waking up as early as 6.30 in the morning to see a whole array of tungsten lights moving slowly on a highway and every minute that goes by, it gets heavier and heavier, till the whole highway just comes to a stand still...and the best thing is ..the best thing.....there is none what so ever accident occurred or a car breakdown happened....just one part where cars are coming in from a smaller road....JEEEZZZ....the whole of Malaysia should sue the damn goverment for lack of proper planning for road construction.....
Malaysian road construction...yeap...one of our biggest follies...is the road construction...just when you thought there is a new highway to ease traffic, suddenly out of no where you have traffic lights....jeez so much for a smooth ride to work....and after a while they see that its not happening at all to put traffic lights....they decide to build fly overs....GADDAMNIT why can't they just build the bloody fly over the same time they are building the highway....take the MRR2 for instance...SHIT! I've seen fly overs built at least 3 times on that stretch of the road..and still...and still there is still traffic jam....I wonder what's next...ELEVATED HIGHWAYS? Gimme a break...
Sometimes you've gotta give credit to the goverment for coming up with a lot of bright ideas....for the better of the country...no doubt we have to....but on the other hand the government sometimes makes us look like a bunch of PANSIES....incompetent bunch of people who can't plan things right....All Hail the Government!!!! Sad but true...we can't do much but to live with it till hopefully their intelectual minds starts to develope and move faster....
Greener Pastures
too long a time that i can't remember having greener pastures in my life. it's like everytime i experience something good, something beautiful, somethings just have to screw the whole thing up. Why can't the negative part life just lay low for a millenium and let us all human race enjoy the wonders of life.
Everyone in this world is always looking for something good in their lives ALWAYS...but in the end it always screws up...I too have been searching for greener pastures all this while so that i can live a comfortable life and be happy...what's wrong with being happy our whole lives..
The only happy moments i have is being with my love one...and because of that it gives me reason to live...but despite that all else are not too happy...thank God for love...i think if there is a lot of love going around..the whole world would be the happiest place to be in...Shit!!! even our alien neighbours would wanna migrate here....
I have an online gallery on my art works...here is a preview of it...go visit www.melwhy.deviantart.com and give your comments...thanks

A self portrait of myself
The First time
Well...many a times I have seen blogs and heard of blogs and people blogging...so here i am with lots of curiousity. This has gotta be the first time I ever thought of writting anything about what I feel and what I see so god help me....actually I was inspired by a particular blogger..Sarong Party Girl...telling the world her escapades and her life to the whole bloddy world with confidence and courage...I think that is something really to applaud....Sarong Party Girl if you are reading this...look me up....
I suppose this is it for now since its the first time....will be posting more don't worry as my days goes by...